What makes the NCI Certified System Performance program work are two essential components – 1. Professional HVAC contractors. 2 – Third-party entity National Comfort Institute.
Component 1 – HVAC Contractors
Contractors who are interested in offering this certfication to their customers must have the training, tools, procedures and support to effectively:
1. Evaluate
1. Evaluate
Evaluate filed performance by testing the system according to the principles taught by NCI.
2. Diagnose
2. Diagnose
Diagnose the causes of reduced performance and prescribe the solutions.
3. Sell and Perform
3. Sell and Perform
Sell and perform the work to bring the system to the peak performance level it can achieve within the customer’s budget.
4. Test Out
4. Test Out
Test out and balance the system to verify and ensure it’s performing as promised.
Component 2 – National Comfort Institute – 3rd Party Entity
The second essential component is a third party entity (NCI) who created a simple and effective online verification and fulfillment system that:
1. Cloud-Based System
1. Cloud-Based System
Provides a cloud-based system for capturing and calculating data to make verification and reporting fast and easy.
2. Authorize
2. Authorize
Authorizes the certification and labeling of a system that meets or exceeds the NCI Certified System Performance standard.
3. Maintain
3. Maintain
Maintains a secure national database of HVAC system information and provides you with statistics on your local market.
4. Certification
4. Certification
Provides your customer with access to a system certification certificate, and materials to encourage ongoing maintenance to keep their system operating at peak performance.